Monday, February 27, 2012


I played this over and over again in my head
the things which were said
I had given all I had
Behind living eyes, I seen death disguised
You believed in a lie
I don't think you ever meant
to slip
the Judas kiss
mind's torment
There are rules
we had forsaken
Moments taken
Can't bring back, too far gone
lonely journey, noway home
Not Avoiding temptation
needing redemption
spiritual divisions
restored blind vision and ambition
We sold what shouldn't have been
sold a story, which will be never uttered or told

My first feature at the poethall

My first poethall featureCookee

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I think, So I am

I could never maintain silence. Silence is for the weak who are not strong enough to assert the importance of their opinions. Every person is valuable upon birth and given talent(s) to exchange with the world. It all starts with a simple thought and a made up mind to express it. It is in our thoughts that we move mountains, make changes, and alter history. Thinkers are the inventors of the impossible,the pioneers to tread in the places of the unknown. We are truly blessed as humans to posses a mind to think beyond instinct, which the animal world is limited to. We are the partakers of free will. We possess the power to have dreams and create the reality to usher them into exsistence. Humans are amazing!
Thinkers are incredible!
Leaders are invincible!