Monday, November 23, 2020


(This is one version of the poem)

Human desire

Requires the fulfillment of being wanted, needed

While neediness is shunned to some degree

 Considered a weakness...

It is a strength

The satisfaction

an individual matters

Gives purpose to one’s existence

Poem title: Intimacy (A woman's needs)

Human desire


the fulfillment of being wanted, needed!

While neediness is shunned to some degree

Even considered a weakness

It is a strength!

It's the satisfaction

that I matter

Gives purpose to my feminine existence

what money can buy

Title: What money CAN buy
By:  Luchetta Manus  
Written: 11/23/2020

Time has a intricate way of repairing things 
If you live long enough, you will discover  enormous joy in little things

An embrace, eye contact, a touch, and a smile will never have a price tag

Their value supersedes any dollar amount, yet they can be purchase...


These items are purchased with kindness,  honesty,  and transparency 

Kindness is the spiritual currency for tangible things

Monday, November 16, 2020

6 degrees of separation

Title: Six degrees of separation 
Written by: Luchetta Manus (Cookee) 2020

Separated by only a few people apart 
Two kindred spirits
Each with big hearts
Never knowing the other one existed

Momentarily crossing paths
Their preexisting conditions
And situations
obstructing their vision
throwing each off focus
Not giving notice
to their meeting 
A scheduled divine appointment.

Saturday, September 12, 2020


I have this saying that a love to hate.  
It is

"I see too much."

Most times the truth  hurts. In my thoughts deep,  provoked an epiphany.