Monday, July 18, 2011

My thoughts about the "N" word( This is only pertaining to artistic expression) people will be mad at me, but oh well!

People are gonna be mad at me for this one....but as an artist I get asked about the profanity I use sometimes in my poetry, or the graphic content on some things I have written Here is my answer.When I write, I write from my own life, from experience, and I put a lot of heart and soul into my work. It expresses who I am the good, bad, and the ugly. Let's face it, if you can find a perfect person....your're lying!

Someone asks me the question of, "What I think about the end word?" So, when my answer answer was, "I don't feel anything," the young lady felt insulted because I didn't take a strong stance against it.

Let me explain why, "I don't feel anything." Burke is one of the thinkers I hold in high esteem Burke says,
definition of man states: "Man is the symbol-using (symbol-making, symbol-misusing) animal, inventor of the negative (or moralized by the negative), separated from his natural condition by instruments of his own making, goaded by the spirit of hierarchy (or moved by the sense of order), and rotten with perfection.

There are two types of meaning denotative and cognitive meaning. Denotative meaning is the literal meaning, what the dictionary says that a certain symbol is. Then there is Cognitive meaning, which is the emotional value tied into a word. For example dog: 1. A domesticated carnivorous mammal this is the Denotative meaning. dog: A man who cheats, this is cognitive.

Over time, most of the time, words cognitive meaning changes. The literal meaning usually stays the same.

Being that I write, I write poetry, and I am a spoken word artist, I used a lot of words. For me, I use words more cognitively. I am completely against censorship.

How could a writer and a poet believe in censorship? To me words are strongly used to display in the mind a colorful picture of what I am talking about.

I believe a person has the artistic freedom to express whatever they feel. When I say expression, I am simply talking about dislpaying how they feel as long as it does not include phyical contact to harm another person.

If you are in the KKK and you hate people, you have every right to express your hatred for other races artisticall in print etc.

If you are a Christian, you have every right to express your love for Jesus too.

If you believe in abortion tou have the right to express it.

If you don't believe you have to right to express it.

I believe in the freedom of expression even when it does not agree with my own beliefs because everyone has that right. Right or wrong it is up to their creator who they answer to.

If we share a society of different people with different beliefs,and silence some, and allow others to speak, because we feel it is "RIGHT," then we are involved in a type of dictatorship and we are being biased beleiving that only a few people possess the ability to be right and are allowed to express that.

Some of my poetry has cursing, some is erotic in nature, some of it is spiritual, some of it very negative, some positive. My poetry simply "Expresses" what I am feeling at a patricular time.

I'm allowed. It's my freedom my choice!

So, I went around the world to say this, Someone asks me the question, "What do I feel about the word nigga, nigger," My answer, "I don't feel anything, it's just a word, It doesn't define me in any way, I know a couple of 'em lmfao, but it doesn't bother me people need to stop being so sensitive. If it doesn't apply to you let it slide. Artist all the time Lil, Wayne, Kanye West, Jay Z, all the time in music used the word. Is it right for them...their choice. Does it affect me in the slightest nope, cause I'm not a nigga lol

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Society is growing violent by the minute
Yet you tell me "Censor it!"
Like a child, I say, "But why are they allowed?"
Why are they allowed to make the gorie movies
write music of bizarre fantasies
but you want me to, "Censor it!", when it comes to my realities
You want me to censor the brutality, distort my reality, of how bad I grew up
Speaking out, someone else can have better luck!
Than me!
God as my witness, I asked for forgiveness,
I can't tell you a lie
I should have been rotting in hell
For some things I did in my life
now, I'm not ashamed to tell
The beauty of having a past, it's the past
The past doesn't last
the past moves forward to become the present and my is future better
I was raped, molested,men used me and took me for granted, but you want me to paint a "Pretty picture"
of a perfect life which never existed.
I ran around in my crew, doing thing young ladies should never do, but you want me to be quiet, stay silent
I was always rejected, as a child was neglected,
starved of love
Only thing which kept me sane was God above
You want me to pick up my pencil, write about my few sunny days
not so simple
People are dying of madness, chaos, and disease
you want me to be like Bob Ross, and speak of "Happy lil trees."
My trees weren't happy, destructive behaviors, self hatred growing like weeds.
Shut up Luchetta, nobody wants to hear that much about ya, but like Milli vanilli,
 "Girl you know it's true"
I tell my story to help the youth, help people stop crying, keeping people from slowly dying inside,
talk about the
ugly you won't talk change and help the next brotha and sista out

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Bullshit that wipes out humanity

Poem title: The Bullshit that Wipes Out Humanity

Written by: Luchetta (Cookee) Manus


Famine in the lands

We can clone animals in a labs

People are starving for lack sustenance

I don't get it or understand

Missiles are created occasionally

Pointed at us

Only the strong survive  

The weak die daily


 The wealthy stay alive

 Feeding their over abundant lives

 And they're  greedy

 Poor are in need and depleting


 There is something wrong with this land

 When a rapists spends less time in jail

 Than a man who owes child support

 Or a killer gets off of life time imprisonment

 While a man rots who sold a rock


 Teachers engaging in lessons with students

 Which should never be taught

 Mangling their young minds

Destroying the process of healthy thought

 Road rage

People shooting cause you cut them off

Driving down a street

This stuff is deep


 It's that bullshit that wipes out humanity


 When police can club you down on the streets

 Videotaping is your only relief

 For police brutality to cease

 What if there was no one around to see?


 Ever drug made has a dangerous side effect

 Drug companies make millions off of insurance neglect

 Seniors pay more for their meds

 Than their living expenses

 People work without insurance...too expensive




 We live off of what media tells us

 We never question it

 We trust what the government

  Says is true


 Ohhh only if you knew


 We find money to travel to space

 Can't find the money for a homeless person to stay


 We cut funding for programs

 Wonder why our kids run wild

 Our children having child

 Delinquency back in style



 The bullshit that wipes out humanity


 Our country's sickness and insanity

 Our attitudes

 We obtain more than we need to use

 Wasting resources others need


 Our weather is out of control

 We are abusing our natural resources

 and it's taking a toll


 On you and me

 our earthy scenery


Someone help us

help me


Before bullshit wipes out humanity

Around the world and back

It has been a long time my friend

all that time you spent away

when I see you, only felt like yesterday

It feels like you never left, after coming back

Where ever your hands are

That's where I want to be at

You know things about me noone else does

yet, you don't judge

my mind takes me back in time

memories untwined

of me and you

you were my first love.

The first one who took the virginity of my heart

The first one who really mattered when you tore it apart

Although there have been others

none was a close as you, my homie and lover

make me wonder

No questions asked tho

your're here at last

dispersing the breath from our past

on me

hopefully, here you'll stay, we'll see

noone could ever take your place in my heart, and my head

noone could ever fill your space in my bed

it's good to see you back old friend

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Songs which make me think of you

Don't rock that boat, I wanna let it float

He can ring my b...e...l...l...s he can ring my bells

All my life I've been good, but now ohh I'm thinking What the hell

He said lay down and tell me what's on your mind

I'll be your comforter

I miss that man time after time

We be cheatin in the next room

All I do is think of you

I'm still waiting

I'm willing to forgive you, but never forget

Because, it feels good loving somebody, when somebody loves you back

Hat to the back,

pants hanging low, baby let go

I always think of you on two occasions,

I can tell you how I feel about you night and day

Come rub me the right way, like Johnny Gill

Like Stephanie Mills, there's something in the way you make me feel

Tell me it's real

Because all my life, I prayed for someone like you

I wanna eat!


Men don't want me

Women love to hate me

Haven't felt a lot love lately

Starvation is crazy

Needing libation

I haven't felt loved lately


What does love feel like?

I can't remember it has been so long

What went wrong?

My soul's longing for compassion for

My hearts sake

Drowning in tears

enough to make create a lake

Hunger pains

Hurt pumped through my veins,

Liquid liars, deceitful people, and the users who pull the strings on my heart

Like a puppet

Evil people!

Not being feed enough of love

Wanting something meaningful

It hurts being hungry

Left for dead

I'm hungry

Love craving

I’m lonely

Momma may have, papa did!

It's not the same anymore

I been pondering what purpose is,

What the hell are we here for.

Momma didn't love me well,

life was hell, I have a dark past

Maybe one day I can tell


God bless this child who never had her own, they left me feeling alone
left me to my own devices
The love I needed from them and never got would have been priceless!
Damn it! my hearts Famine

My past is frightening, Keeps me up crying occasionally nightly

My past bites me

on the ass

need a shot for the virus before it spreads to my kids,


Memories are like mini movies playing in my head never fading, premiering, daily

When they should be disappearing.

The ones who didn't love and protect me, left me vulnerable

The streets raised me, made my conscious crazy

looking for ways to tame
 my mind.

Looking at my kids, wondering when they had kids, how could they do what they did?

how could you kill a child's spirit dead

Took part of the life I was trying to life

without taking my breath


I am changing.

I am metamorphosing into something

I don't recognize

Wisdom fit like, fancy shades on my eyes

I am eccentric, confidence has transformed me into something different

and I love it!

I love myself, love the sparkle in my eyes, no need for disguises

I made up my mind to love myself

I have a happiness, growing and strecthin, catch this, I can't be caught

Go girl, go! is is the chantin' I hear in my heart

and the beat doesn't stop, It goes on and on

Setting my stage for an amazing tone of

magnificence and accomplishment

So, this is what grandma meant!

When she spoke of a word called happiness

Monday, July 4, 2011



Define the confusion my body has of you with my mind

I wish I could sing

I wish I could sing melodies, so ear pleasing

I can't sing, so my poetry sings for me

It sings of intimacies, our bodies clinging

to one another

My insatiable desires for you make me not want another

It sings of highs I get of your touching

bumping, griding

Blowing me outta my mind and

a stallion in bed is hard to find and

But your not mine

Your not mine

I share you from time, from time to time

you are mine

the other time you're hers

makes my body hurt

my body tho, not my mind,

because my heart right now is untwinded

from the feelings I have in- side of you, excuse me, or was it the thought of you in-side me

You seduced me through and through,

 I compare them all of them to you

and they fail.

What's a woman to do?