People are gonna be mad at me for this one....but as an artist I get asked about the profanity I use sometimes in my poetry, or the graphic content on some things I have written Here is my answer.When I write, I write from my own life, from experience, and I put a lot of heart and soul into my work. It expresses who I am the good, bad, and the ugly. Let's face it, if you can find a perfect person....your're lying!
Someone asks me the question of, "What I think about the end word?" So, when my answer answer was, "I don't feel anything," the young lady felt insulted because I didn't take a strong stance against it.
Let me explain why, "I don't feel anything." Burke is one of the thinkers I hold in high esteem Burke says, definition of man states: "Man is the symbol-using (symbol-making, symbol-misusing) animal, inventor of the negative (or moralized by the negative), separated from his natural condition by instruments of his own making, goaded by the spirit of hierarchy (or moved by the sense of order), and rotten with perfection.
There are two types of meaning denotative and cognitive meaning. Denotative meaning is the literal meaning, what the dictionary says that a certain symbol is. Then there is Cognitive meaning, which is the emotional value tied into a word. For example dog: 1. A domesticated carnivorous mammal this is the Denotative meaning. dog: A man who cheats, this is cognitive.
Over time, most of the time, words cognitive meaning changes. The literal meaning usually stays the same.
Being that I write, I write poetry, and I am a spoken word artist, I used a lot of words. For me, I use words more cognitively. I am completely against censorship.
How could a writer and a poet believe in censorship? To me words are strongly used to display in the mind a colorful picture of what I am talking about.
I believe a person has the artistic freedom to express whatever they feel. When I say expression, I am simply talking about dislpaying how they feel as long as it does not include phyical contact to harm another person.
If you are in the KKK and you hate people, you have every right to express your hatred for other races artisticall in print etc.
If you are a Christian, you have every right to express your love for Jesus too.
If you believe in abortion tou have the right to express it.
If you don't believe you have to right to express it.
I believe in the freedom of expression even when it does not agree with my own beliefs because everyone has that right. Right or wrong it is up to their creator who they answer to.
If we share a society of different people with different beliefs,and silence some, and allow others to speak, because we feel it is "RIGHT," then we are involved in a type of dictatorship and we are being biased beleiving that only a few people possess the ability to be right and are allowed to express that.
Some of my poetry has cursing, some is erotic in nature, some of it is spiritual, some of it very negative, some positive. My poetry simply "Expresses" what I am feeling at a patricular time.
I'm allowed. It's my freedom my choice!
So, I went around the world to say this, Someone asks me the question, "What do I feel about the word nigga, nigger," My answer, "I don't feel anything, it's just a word, It doesn't define me in any way, I know a couple of 'em lmfao, but it doesn't bother me people need to stop being so sensitive. If it doesn't apply to you let it slide. Artist all the time Lil, Wayne, Kanye West, Jay Z, all the time in music used the word. Is it right for them...their choice. Does it affect me in the slightest nope, cause I'm not a nigga lol
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