Title: Public Housing
Written by Luchetta(Cookee) Manus
© 2013
Where I live?
Dreams are thrown by the wayside like the trash which isn't important enough to make it to the dumpster.
Where I live?
Children playin outside ignored by parents, who are too distracted by their own lives to pay attention to their precious investments.
Only a prerequisite to how the world will treat them when they grow up, being reminded that they are a product of their environment which the media has created.
They televise us with
No ambition
Pants saggin
Trouble makin
That's what the media created
Where I live?
Opportunity presents itself by nigga knockin on doors leaving a post it note like Fed Ex, saying you didn't answer the door fast enough to receive it
Where I live?
We are told we can buy our freedom within a capitalist system built on the backs of our slavery and oppression. If we are willing to want better for ourselves. One of the many lies the devil tells.
Where I live?
We work hard to be broke. Minimum wage barely pays the bills and neither does our overseen talent and ambition.
Where I live?
Troubles are grey clouds, sprinkling rains hardships on the undeserving and innocent.
Some of us were born here, some of us don't belong here, but all of our life's predicaments landed us here. Where is the exit sign?
Where I live?
celebrities blast music in cars with shinny rims. Rich with ignorance , no retirement plan or homes owned. The government can't jack them for taxes they don't pay.
Where is live?
Where I live?
Damn this is where I live
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