Title: A mother's pain
Written by: Luchetta (Cookee) Mauus
I love you! I love you with my soul
Which is why when I see that distant glare in your eyes ,it causes my heart pain
Once full of life I see you slipping away
mentally into a silent death
And there is nothing I can do!
It hurts to love you
I keep seeing a funeral of the child I once had, now grown into a man. Drums playing, Weeping, and finally a Hurst. When I gave birth to you this is not how I rehearsed life in my head.
I am in between, I am in tug of war, hanging on to the person you were and the amazing person I know that you could become.
Saving you it isn't up to me. I sometimes rewind and take trips in the back my mind of you being a baby and me holding you.
Looking into your eyes and stroking tiny hands and feet.
You are the artwork of God , you are an extraordinary present to me.
A gift if you will
Only presently this gift
Somehow got tainted, by life and living
I beg with tears in my eyes to hold on to you, to life, and I pray love will guide
Life is a gift from God above to fall in love with yourself each and every day.
I your a mother
Your doctor
Your lawyer
Your comforter
I wish I was a Healer
I don't know any other way to be
I love you so much my child
That I'm losing me