Monday, September 30, 2024


Poem Title: Oxymoron 
Written by: Luchetta (Cookee) Manus

She swims in the same waters she drowns in 
Her beauty a stain

She swims in the same waters she drowns in
Her heart is flooded with love
The dams break from her pain

She swims in the same waters she drowns in 
She is filled with both hate and passion beyond what can be measured. 

She swims in the same waters she drowns in 
A warrior, yet peasant
Repulsive yet pleasant 
Mightily passive aggressive

She swims in the same waters she drowns in 
She's a gullible genius
A woman of great wealth, who is hopelessly penniless
Common sense yet senseless 

She swims in the same waters she drowns in
She's reckless yet explicit
She's a walking contradiction

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Bear Bear poem revised for older Tru


My son's bear

Named bear bear

Worn by years

Of wear and


Rough play

A child's conversation

His bear

That had many surgeries

Often died

Sparse stuffing

His eyes

Replaced with buttons

He has only one eye button left

Bear bear

Flat lines

But is resurrected daily

My son’s best friend

He understands

My son’s way of thinking

The bear was a gift

When he was a baby

His father

had given it to him

When he was born

Like peanut butter and jelly

Regis and Kelly

That bear adorns him

Bear Bear's personality

Was my son's creation

Invented from

his colorful imagination

To cope with not being

ready for growing up, kid life, oh and school

Bear bear is

Low key and cool

When my job took me away

During the day

Single motherhood

Bear bear kept

Him calm

The bear stayed

By his side

Bear bear wiped

A lot of tears

from this little boy’s eyes

At age 16 the bear

Still remains here

Rips and several tears

This bear has insane longevity

I don't imagine

The bear is going anywhere

My son, his bear,  

The black version of TED

"Ma, can you fix my bear?"


"Sure son, bring him here."



















My son's bear
Named bear bear
Worn by years
Of wear
Rough play
And a child's conversation
His bear
That had many surgeries
Often died
Sparse stuffing
His eyes
Replaced with buttons
He has only one button left
Bear bear
Flat lines
But is resurrected daily
His bestfriend
The only one who understands
His way of thinking
The bear was a gift
When he was a baby
His father
had given it to him
When he was born
Like peanut butter and jelly
Regis and kelly
That bear adorns him
Bear's personality
Was my son's creation
Invented by
his colorful imagination
To cope with not being
ready for school
Bear bear was
Low key and cool
When Tru was away
From me, his mom
Bear bear kept
Him calm
The bear stayed
By his side
Bear bear wiped
A lot of tears
from his eyes
At age 8 the bear
Still remains here
Rips and several tears
I don't imagine
The bear is going anywhere
The black version of TED
"Ma, can you fix my bear?"
"Sure son, bring him here."
No photo description available.
All reactions:
Dionna Bryant and 1 other

Sunday, February 11, 2024


Everyone is sleep, under a spell
Slow dancing the waltz music of a self-sabotaging hell 
And loving it
Loving being in the dark
Loving the ignorance
Loving being lost
Insanity has become the reality 
Of the progressive,
 in which I want no parts of
If this is progress take me backwards
Back to when love conquered all. 
Back when knowledge and wisdom were reverend 
Back when compassion was around at every corner you turned
Why can’t weeping be brought down to a minimum?
Why can’t suffering disappear? 
Exchange happiness for all of our fears?
Why are the simplest of things hard?

Thursday, January 18, 2024

 I love you the way that I love the sound of vinyl records playing their signature sound.

I love you the way a cherry decorates the top of the most delicious Sunday. I love you the way whip cream looks on top of a latte. You are as satisfying as a popsicle in the hot summer sun. I admire you like the brightest star in the galaxy. I savor you like chocolate on top of strawberries. Your both beautiful and untamed like wildflowers. I love you with the insanity of van gogh and the tranquility of monet. I love you like my favorite song I hum when I'm happy. I can sip you like fine wine, slowly and get drunk of pure joy and lust. I love you like Popeye love spinach. Not like olive oil but spinach because when he consumes it he becomes super human. I think this poem could be much longer however I will stop here.. There are so many things I love that remind me of you.