Friday, December 14, 2012

Liquid Courage(I'm an alcoholic)

This glass gives me the courage to face, yet again another disappointing day

This glass makes ugly men look good

So I can get laid

This glass makes the world around me disappear

This glass keeps my head on my shoulders, and my mind clear

After a couple of these glasses I can tell no lies

Nothing, but the truth


Probably not needed to be said

Most of the time I can’t remember what I said


I don’t think these glasses go to well with my meds


But anyways


Come between me, coke and captain

Something is bound to happen

I’m an alcoholic

Quarantine (stop the spread of the ignorant)

Natural selection normally would have sought you out, and eliminated you

Technology, advancements in meds, through and through

Luckily for you, saved you

What would the world be if natural selection was allowed to run freely?

I imagine a world very empty

Why do we spend billions to keep these dumb asses alive?

Money, aid, technology, and dumb ass signs


I read one in the airport

“Don’t walk in back of engine is hot”


Yep that was a real sign

Sign of the times

Where ignorance is the bliss people wallow in

If I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again

Allow these dumb asses to defend themselves

They have been alive way too long with our intellectual help

Let’s save this world for a smart person, one moment at a time

For those who think, and use their minds

Quarantine us

Help stop the spread of dumbness

Before they multiply

Be more of them and less of us and

God forbid they are closing in

Being stupid should be one of the deadly sins

I’m concerned

It seems anymore

Dumb people are adored, even felt sorry for

Unfortunately, being intelligence will be like the Raven

Never more


Saturday, December 1, 2012

No Virginia, there isn't a Santa Claus

No Virginia, there isn't a Santa Claus, and I have all the facts to prove its so

There are more disasters, heartache, and chaos around Christmas time, more than you will ever know
The news...

and my environment around me tells me so

Unemployments rates are high. People can't live, can't afford to pay their bills

Holiday causes the depression, effects are people poppin pills

Drinking alcohol

Homeless people can't deck their halls

No Virginia, there isn't a Santa Claus and you're dumb if you believe it

People are still dying needlessly by the minute

No one knows what it means to be giving

People are pushed to their kindness limits

People are too strained to be happy living

No Virginia, there isn't a Santa Claus and you'd be a fool to consider it

Texting made our kids illiterate

To grownups they are no longer considerate

Change is something needed after all is spent

In the past is where the good old days went

Hatred replaced trust

New and innovative replace creativeness

Now to people ignorance is bliss

Charity...hit or miss

No Virginia, there isn't a Santa Claus

When a quality education is offered to very few

When you lose the friend you once knew

Because you're being yourself and staying true

Wake up Virginia, there is NO Santa Claus

I guess you never read the Clause, it’s in fine print

Where it says the world’s problems cannot be solved with the remedy of store bought presents

Where bells jingle, don't keep people from being evil

Presents don't help strong people help the feeble

Will presents from the store feed the nation’s poor?

Can presents replace love absent?

Heal the world of the love we're lacking?

No Virginia, there most certainly isn't a Santa Claus