Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Two Types

I am in the middle of writing poetry for a chapbook named Snakes and Lamp posts This is the picture of cover Poem Title: Two Types Written by: Luchetta (Cookee) Manus ©2016
Snakes and lamp posts
As my story goes
There are people of two types
One illuminates the world with their inner light
Others deliver venomous bites
One points you the way
The other deceives and kills with all of their might
Snakes are limited to the ground
Lights have a brilliant plight

Two Types

I am in the middle of writing poetry for a chapbook named Snakes and La Snakes and lamp posts As my story goes There are people of two types One illuminates the world With their inner light Others delivers a venomous bites While one points to you the way The other deceives and kills with all of their might One limited to the ground A journey and brilliant plight SNAKES ARE INIMIDATED BY THE LAMP POST'S LIGHT